Practical Management Philosophy


Practical Management Philosophy

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執筆/監修 [著]松下幸之助
税込価格 1,100円(本体価格 1,000円)
判 型 ペーパーバック
仕 様 並製
ページ数 112ページ


Practical management lessons from the founder of Panasonic
“This collection sets forth my management principles, or my management philosophy; that is, my basic thoughts on how to manage an enterprise based on 60 years of experience and lessons learned. The term ‘management philosophy’ sounds perhaps a bit grandiose, as this work is neither the result of disciplined academic study nor a systematically developed treatise. Rather, it is a compilation of practical lessons which, in my experience, will surely create the foundations for success for any company that builds its management upon them.” (from the Preface)
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