あなたの一日が世界を変える[日英対訳]  Your day will change the world[Japanese and English]
判 型

あなたの一日が世界を変える[日英対訳] Your day will change the world[Japanese and English]
今日が輝く「10の問いかけ」 “The Ten Questions” to make your day shine

著者 くすのきしげのり作
主な著作 「ごめんなさい」が いっぱい』(PHP研究所)
税込価格 2,090円(本体価格1,900円)
内容 「あなた」が今日一日を精一杯生きると、世界はわずかに変わる。その鍵は「10の問いかけ」にある。英文併記の新しい自己啓発絵本。







 【英訳】If you honored your day every day and lived each day mindfully, the world would be better for one-seven-billionth. If two people, three people and even more people tried to do so, the world would become better little by little. The key is "The Ten Questions" to make your day shine, and they are for you to ask every day. This book is a self-enlightening picture book with the above message.

 People of all ages from the 5th and the 6th graders of elementary schools to adults, both men and women, and young and old can get some hints to live a better day naturally once they answer to "The Ten Questions" such as "Are you smiling now?", "Who are those whom you care about?" and so on, as they go through a story of a traveler and a young man. 

 All the content is in both Japanese and English, and the English voice recording can be downloaded for free.

 This book is recommended by Former President of Uruguai Jos? Alberto Mujica Cordano, known as the poorest president in the world !
